Book flights from Manila to Ho Chi Minh with Vietnam Airlines for as low as Php5,149 roundtrip fare.
Manila to Ho Chi Minh for as low Php5,149 roundtrip fare
Here’s a sample booking for a roundtrip flight for Manila to Ho Chi Minh via Vietnam Airlines. Roundtrip fare is as low as Php5,149 per person.
Where to book promo fare and cheap flights?
Visit the official website of Vietnam Airlines to book your flights or use the flight search below. You may also find and compare cheap flights by visiting any of our partner websites: Kiwi or Trip.Com.
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About this Promo Fare
Fares are economy fares come with 7kg carry-on baggage and 23kg checked baggage. Travel tax of Php1,620 for international flights from the Philippines must be paid at the airport. Promo fares are non-refundable.